the difference between teaching Yoga after 1 year, 10 years, 20 years

There’s often a difference in opinion between new teachers & Yoga elders

New teachers have an energy & enthusiasm that’s completely infectious
Yoga is the solution for everything…

And this is the difference

A Yoga elder, who’s worked with more students & sat with Yoga for longer, doesn’t see Yoga through quite the same lens

Question: Can Yoga help my back pain?
New Teacher answer: Yes, absolutely!
Yoga Elder answer: Well, that depends...

Now this isn’t a call out to big-up teachers who’ve been working with humans for longer

An exceptional teacher is an exceptional teacher - period

The point is to remember humans are complex, one size doesn’t fit all
Generally speaking, the more time you spend working with humans, this becomes more apparent

When you see bold statements on the internet about how Yoga categorically does this & that… it may or may not!

Is Yoga for everyone? Well that depends!

There are disciplines other than Yoga that support you living your Infinite Potential

I’ve friends that don’t practise Yoga, living life in a way you could associate for someone who practises Yoga
For them Yoga didn’t work out, they found a different system

The more bodies you work with & the longer you sit with Yoga, you’ll broaden your Toolkit & soften your lens

Things don’t need to be back or white - grey (+ all shades & colours in-between) is as relevant
It’s OK to not have an answer for everything

If you encounter periods of uncertainty, the biggest support is your practice
It sounds simple but many new teachers spend more time planning classes than their own practice

Your personal practice is your most important teacher

Look forward for inspiration, guidance + support
Look behind you for the ones who you can support, inspire + guide

If you’re new to teaching, does any of the above resonate?
If you’ve been working with humans for a long time, do you find you give less black & white answers?

Rory Yogakutir
Yoga Teacher Training, retreats, workshops, courses and classes

the number one factor that makes all arm balances possible


Imposter Syndrome: being an exceptional anatomy teach doesn’t automatically make you an exceptional Yoga teacher (or even a good one)