how ‘peak pose’ could be holding you back

Yoga sequencing is often peak pose orientated

If you think of posture in ONLY visual shape (+ its most flexible representation) & have a mindset that to achieve that shape requires you protecting + preparing the physical body through warm-up / pre-postures, you’re missing out

There are 5 key rules that underpin every asana
Degree / range of flexibility has nothing to do it

When someone says full wheel pose, what do you visualise?
An image of a body in a specific fixed shape that you need to ‘prepare’ for first with other practices?

If so you’ve created conditions, obstacles & a projected outcome
You’ve corrupted the posture before you begin

Instead, understand posture as the processes (essence)
Know the mechanics, rules + logic of the physical body, work with the subtle/energy body, practice with curiosity

Over the past decade of study with an asana teacher who’s at the top of their game, peak pose & warm-up don’t exist

One morning session the first postures were handstand/headstand/pinch drop backs into full wheel

‘I Cant’ said half the group
Not because they couldn’t
Because they had a story they needed to first ‘prepare’ to achieve the image in the head + would be dangerous if they didn’t

The ones who said ‘OK’ weren’t any more supple
The difference was they removed the mindset

The outcome: probably the best backbends the ones who said OK ever practised

This video was the first time I practised eka pada rajakapotasana
No warm up or attachment to end shape
Applying my knowledge of backbends
Practising from the heart

A child doesnt think in peak terms
They don’t think they need to do something beforehand (until adults tell them to!) or have a fixed idea of shape. They just do it
Not for reward, for joy, for love

Regardless of age / physical conditions, the essence of a posture is always available. An exceptional teacher will support you through adaptation & invention

Elegance isn’t measured through range of flexibility

A body that’s free, understands what to do and has cooperation of mind, breath and heart is a joy to witness

Have you been told to practise or teach only through a peak pose model? Would love to know!

Rory Yogakutir
Yoga Teacher Training, retreats, workshops, courses and classes

this directly effects your potential experience of Yoga


the most significant shift to elevate your yoga practice happens behind the scenes