a difference between Yoga classes and self practice

Humans stay with their dependants for one of the highest timelines of all species
Our maturation process from juvenile to adulthood takes time to develop before we’re ready to go it alone

An effective Yoga class/teacher will give you tools to evolve your practice maturation so you can go it alone as quickly as possible. the timeframe is different for us all

Our human maturation is a portal into new levels of awareness, being & life

It’s the same with our Yoga journey
Going from handheld practice to independence

When you transition from a practice anchored on dependent conditions (eg. group classes / a teacher) to independence (self practice) there’s a jump in effect & maturation

You open up possibility to experience a new layer of awareness through ‘Yoga’

Like childhood, it’s a process
You first have support to learn how to do something then you’re on your own

It can be scary, not believing you’re ready, can do it or know enough
And this is where some classes fall down
Your class may inspire you and deliver a great experience - but does it equip you to do it yourself?
A great Yoga class will

Independence is a game changer
You can practise any time, support yourself all of the time

If you’ve passed your driving test, that sense of freedom you have the very first time you drive with only you in the car
That feeling you get and sense of accomplishment and independence
The new possibilities that open up
It changes things. It’s another level

We are BIG freedom advocates
How we share Yoga and other practices is geared for your independence
To live beyond the Yoga class homestead and empower you with tools to walk your own path

This doesn’t mean stop attending classes
Classes instead play a different role in your Yoga maturation
Classes support your independence, give you new ideas, inspiration, problem solve, feedback, show you the next steps

If you’re at a point where you’d like to explore a new phase of Yoga by developing (or if you already have one - evolving) your own personal practise, we have a few ways we can support you with guidance, a road map + timeframe

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Rory Yogakutir
Yoga Teacher Training, retreats, workshops, courses and classes

a powerful approach to asana