Art of āsana
Undoing the body’

with Rory Viggers

A full day of expansive asana practice that invites you to experience a new approach to postures

Saturday 15 June / 9am - 5pm

Undoing the body

Practising asana often involves an approach where the body moves into a posture. It’s something you do.

Whichever form and style you practise, there are two fundamental differences to how you approach postures.

Technicalities aside, HOW you practise stems from one of two perspectives...

You move your body into a posture. This often involves muscles, pushing, athleticism, reward, ambition, physical attributes. You 'do' the pose.

There is another approach.

And this comes from the place of knowing that each asana already resides inside the body.

Like a lump of stone, the sculpture is already inside it, patiently waiting to be discovered. By removing the rock, the sculpture is revealed. The same with a musical instrument. The music is already within it. Each of us pulls it out in our own way.

And it's the same with asana.

When you remove the hardness, the physical, the pushing, the reward, the ambition, the DOING and instead UNDO the body, you reveal a posture that’s much lighter, more spacious, less effortful and comes from the heart.

A reliance on muscular strength and power means the energy is hard, explosive, extinguishes quickly.

We are a multidimensional beings.
When you bring together energy, mind, heart, the physical and re-organise these in a way that the body is pulled into a posture (not pushed), asana is lighter, more spacious and less effortful be it full-arm balance, backbends or standing postures.

Simply by changing the approach I’ve seen students experience more grace, movement and lightness in postures that previously felt heavy, contracted and physical.

You can apply this to any system of Yoga.

It involves whole body cooperation: physical, energy, mental, heart.

During this immersion you’ll uncover and weave together a range of asana through un-doing the body: removing the hardness to experience greater freedom and lightness in the whole body system

I look forward to sharing x

"There are Yoga teachers and then there are teachers of Yoga. Rory belongs to the latter group. There are some Yoga classes I go to just in order not to practice by myself, but in Rory’s classes I always learn something new; and, I really mean always. He teaches new ways to get into an asana, ways to become aware of and awaken muscle groups you never knew existed, and to relax and become confident in your body. Rory has a wealth of knowledge of the human body that he’s most skilled in articulating and sharing for a more embodied way of being in the world (not just on the mat)”

Teacher - Rory Viggers


Rory's unique teaching style skilfully enables you to uncover a greater depth of awareness and understanding in your practice. Informed by multi-disciplines his approach is intelligent, passionate and insightful.

I am direct student of one of the last living greats, Dona Holleman. The Yoga I share has purpose, intention, precision, intelligence and soul. It continues to be informed by all the inspirations in my life, past and current teachers, mentors, trailblazers and most importantly from the precious and essential time in my own daily Sadhana where ideas are incubated, experimented and processed.

I teach long term practitioners, Yoga teachers and those newer to practice.

Date / Time

Saturday 15 June 2024
9am - 5pm
There will be a break between the morning and afternoon sessions


This immersion is suitable for all who have a regular Yoga practise.
Not Suitable for complete beginners


Clifton, Bristol (Location TBA)

If you have any medical conditions or injuries, please consult your GP and contact us to check if this immersion is suitable for you.

“Both Rory and Dory are such exceptional teachers; their knowledge, wisdom and understanding (both of the anatomy of Yoga and the philosophy) shines through”

‘Art of Asana: Undoing the body’


Early Bird: £97

Regular enrolment £118

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